"Don't just train hard - everyone does that. Train smart!" (Kancho Ninomiya)
‘Skill’ Every session begins with a thorough warm-up and stretch, followed by Kihon (basics) This routine of strikes, blocks and kicks forms the backbone of karate training and is important to novice and veteran alike. With regular training and attention to detail, co-ordination improves along with balance and fitness. Students also practice Kata – sequences of fighting combinations – to further develop their skills.
‘Power’ Following the Kihon, students work on sabaki combinations, usually with partners on hand-held pads. These allow the safe practice of full-contact techniques. Training for power uses the mind and body, with the full involvement of every muscle group, coupled with a predatory and attacking mindset.
‘Spirit’ This is the combination of determination and self-belief that is forged through training. Everyone can make their spirit stronger by gradually building up their fitness and intensity in training. People with this ‘fighting’ spirit simply refuse to accept defeat. The first stage in building such spirit is looking forward to the challenge of training and fighting in the Dojo.
‘Challenge’ Perhaps the most satisfying things we do in life involve challenges. These need to be tough but manageable, while at the same time allowing us to become completely absorbed in the task. There is something about testing yourself regularly that makes you feel much better about yourself, and has positive benefits for all areas of your life.
Training in the Dojo is reinforced by time a student spends studying outside. This can be practising the techniques learned in the dojo or working on your general fitness. Background reading on Karate and martial arts is also motivating and beneficial.